Optimism is back in my DNA, thanks to teaching myself to see the world from new perspectives. In today’s digital world, this skill is crucial—it shapes our moods, decisions, and relationships. Since the age of 14 I immersed myself in digital consumption and consumption, as a UX designer, programmer and techno head, I’ve reflected and decided: it’s time for hyper-optimism to make way for nuanced, solution-oriented pragmatism!

  • Johannes Drosdowski: Instead of age limits for social media use we should enforce legislation on the companies operating on the basis of brain rot, polarization and misinformation.. As a designer working in UX responsibility and accessibility are crucial in the creation of services and software. They compared it nicely to prohibiting kids to learn to ride a bike nor dare looking at it. The day the turn 16 we send them out on an overpowered electric one to compete against 50 km/h and more than 1000 kg heavy cars and trucks.

  • Humanitarian Designers is a great resource for applying your expertise to the public and humanitarian sectors. The association was co-founded by Cédric Fettouche and recommended to me by Cecilia Scolaro, a designer from Amsterdam. I strongly suggest you check it out!

  • Genderfluidity, matriarchy and coconuts as currency? The indigenous Cuna people off the coast of Panama 🇵🇦 are lived science fiction. Looking forward to what I can learn from this, both in story telling and social design. Read more on BBC Travel

  • "Underwater with closed eyes"— a poetic short documentary by Joe Bloom famous for @aview.fromabridge made me truly reflect on deaf blindness. How could we simplify interfaces to deepen human interaction? Too often we tend to overload our experience rather than focus on the essence of life. See clip on Instagram

  • Cars in Baywatch are trans?

    "She is a stallion, allright" (S01E12)

    Isn't hyper masculinity ironic? Why do the boys give their car a female gender but still call it a stallion?

  • "Voranscheitern" beschreibt aus Fehlschlägen zu lernen, weil die Gegenseite eine neue Taktik gefunden hat. Lasst uns Strategien entwickeln langfristig an unseren Visionen dranzubleiben!

  • "Failing forward" describes learning from setbacks when the opposition adopts new tactics. Let's develop resilience strategies to stick to our visions in the long term!

As a consequence I wrote a platform independent blog. I repost my content on Substack, Medium, Spotify, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. but maintain ownership over its original source of truth.

So long!